Geelong Migration is passionate about assisting you
Geelong Migration is passionate about reuniting partners and family members, and keeping families together. We offer professional migration advice to assist people looking to remain in or travel to Australia. Our focus is on Partner visas, Visitor visas and Australian citizenship.
Partner Visa
If you are engaged or in a de-facto or married relationship with an Australian citizen, permanent resident or Eligible New Zealand citizen you may be eligible to apply for a Partner visa or a Prospective Marriage visa
Visitor Visa
If you are looking to travel to Australia for tourism purposes or wishing to visit friends or family members
Australian Citizenship
If you are a Permanent Resident or Eligible New Zealand citizen you may be eligible to apply for Australian citizenship. Or if you were born overseas while one of your parents was an Australian citizen at the time of your birth

“That’s great news thank you very much for your help and patience there is no way we could have done this without your help”